The Lines of Death The Halls

Do you enjoy reading Christmas books? Normally I wait until December. But when I had the chance to preview Adam Blumer’s novella, Death the Halls, which is a part of the Mistletoe and Murder Christmas Collection, I jumped on it. If you have never read any of Adam Blumer’s books, he is an author that I definitely recommend.

Here is my review that is found on Amazon, Bookbub, and Goodreads. The book became available on October 6th, 2020.

Note: Once I read the entire book, I will review the whole thing. I had the opportunity to read Adam Blumer’s title “Death the Halls” before it was released. I was provided with an advanced copy, but I wanted to review it. All opinions are my own. At some point, this will become a part of the whole review as I did pre-order the book. Since there are ten novellas included, I may not get to finish it right away. “Death the Halls” is a stand-alone Christmas novella. Writing a holiday story can be challenging because they can quickly become cheesy. Since this is a suspense novella, that was not the case. Here are some reflections on this book. First, while there were definitely some chilling moments, the “violent” parts were not overly descriptive. Yet the tragedy was presented in such a way that the reader will feel sadness at the outcome. Second, the storyline was plausible. The motivation for the wrong doing was clear cut. And there were definitely some surprises at the end. Third, the message still proclaimed eternal hope and being able to move past a devastating situation. Spiritual elements were a part of the storyline as well as the importance of family and making things right. There was a romantic interest as a part of the book, but I would not call this a romance at all. I do think that “Death the Halls” is well-written. I am looking forward to read the rest of the book and will revise this review once that is complete.

Note: This book is still available for $.99 on Kindle – quite a bargain for ten novellas written by best-selling authors!

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