Category: Author Interview

An Unlikely Alliance: An Interview with Author Toni Shiloh

Author Toni Shiloh has written over a dozen novels and novellas. Her latest book, An Unlikely Alliance, was released the end of June 2022. As a part of a JustRead tour, I was privileged to ask Toni several questions about this latest book.  An Unlikely Alliance Jalissa and Rider were minor characters in your book, An Unlikely […]

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Maryann Landers Interview – the Author of the Alaskan Women of Caliber Series

In August of 2018, I had the privilege of visiting Alaska with my family. I loved the raw beauty that was evident everywhere. God is a magnificent creator. After only spending a week there, it became evident that in order to live in this state full time, you have to be made of hearty stuff. […]

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Sorrow and Song Series by Jennifer Q Hunt

For about 30 years, the United States faced a series of monumental historical landmarks: World War 1, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression and World War 2. Having taught United States history, I would say that I know quite a bit about what took place. At least I thought I did. When I read the […]

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Sami A Abrams Suspense Author Interview

Recently I had the privilege of being on the launch team for Sami A Abrams’ book, “Buried Cold Case Secrets.” Recently I asked Sami if she would be willing to answer a few questions about her first book as well as her writing process. I was so excited when she agreed! What type of research […]

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Angela Ruth Strong Interview About Husband Auditions

I am so excited to introduce you to one of my author friends, Angela Ruth Strong. I have enjoyed so many of her books through the years. When I found out I was able to be on the launch team for her latest book, Husband Auditions, I was so excited. I appreciate her taking the time to […]

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Aspen Crossroads by Janine Rosche: An Interview

I read my first Janine Rosche book last summer, and I became a fan of her writing right away.  Her books are full of romance and redemption, and her latest one is no exception. Aspen Crossroads is the first book in her new Whisper Canyon Romance series. When I had the opportunity to interview Janine, […]

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Under the Magnolias Author T.I. Lowe Interview

This night not only marked the end to the drought, but also the end to the long-held secret we’d kept hidden under the magnolias. Magnolia, South Carolina, 1980 Austin Foster is barely a teenager when her mama dies giving birth to twins, leaving her to pick up the pieces while holding her six siblings together […]

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An Interview with Cleopatra Margot about her latest book, With You I Am

Title: With You I Am Series: Bryant Family #1 Author: Cleopatra Margot Publisher: Faith to Love Publishing Release Date: June 21, 2021 Genre: Contemporary Christian romance Event coordinator Noelle Carter’s main priority is running the successful company her grandparents founded. After all, they’re the ones who raised her, and she’s the one they entrusted their […]

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