I read my first Janine Rosche book last summer, and I became a fan of her writing right away. Her books are full of romance and redemption, and her latest one is no exception. Aspen Crossroads is the first book in her new Whisper Canyon Romance series. When I had the opportunity to interview Janine, I happily took it!
More about Aspen Crossroads from Janine
- Which character was the most challenging to portray?
- Sonny, hands down. She’s a single mom who rescued herself from sex trafficking before moving to Aspen Crossroads. She refuses to see herself as a victim. She’s strong, confident, and capable. I wish I had a tenth of her strength of mind and will! I truly had to reach outside myself to write her!
- Did you have a favorite character in this book?
- Jace, but goodness, he was complicated. He’s protective and heroic in every sense. He’s also charming and fun-loving by nature. Unfortunately, he’s been through so much in his life that those great traits are weighed down far too often. We get peeks into his true nature, like when he first meets Haven, and they bond over a little chick.
- Sex trafficking can be a tough topic to write about. What type of research did you complete to write about this subject?
- I watched several documentaries, read memoirs, and spoke with sex trafficking survivors and the people who work to end sex trafficking. Hearing the stories was awful. What I present in Aspen Crossroads is a PG-13 version of real experiences. If I’d written them as they truly were, the book could not have been published.
- Also your focus was on the recovery end, rather than the rescue part. Was there a reason that you chose to focus on that aspect?
- My friends started a ministry (The Hundred Movement) to help sex workers and trafficking survivors move toward a different future by providing housing and counseling. I admire their work very much. https://hundredmovement.com/
- Small town residents can definitely have long memories.
- Yes, Haven and her family are proof of this. Her mother’s adulteress lifestyle from years ago continues to stain Haven and her siblings. People assume that since Haven shares her mother’s looks, she must share her morals as well. Hence, the rumors.
- The farm-to-table movement is growing in popularity. How did this setting become an important part of the book
- In general, I’m a big fan of this movement—knowing where our food comes from and how it was sourced. But this setting also provides a sense of control over their circumstances—something these survivors rarely get to have. They quite literally see the fruits of their labor as the food they farm from Aspen Crossroads is used at their renovated restaurant, The Mill.
- Did a particular Bible verse or subject guide this storyline?
- I’ve always loved the story of Hagar, the servant of Sarai and Abram (Genesis 16 & Genesis 21). When she was cast out by them, God found her when she was crying and alone, not once but twice. The second time, he saved her and her son, Ishmael, from dying in the desert. Of all the names given to God in the Bible, Hagar’s name for him is the most precious to me: The God Who Sees Me. When she was cast out (by God’s people no less!), He was faithful to her.
- Jace learned from his mother at a young age that the church would never accept them. He holds onto this belief still. Honestly, in Whisper Canyon, it’s true. Most of the church folk in that town wouldn’t accept Jace or the survivors into their fold. But God found them and accepted them. And when Haven believes she has fallen too far from Him, He still finds her, for He is the God Who Sees Me. If I could tell my readers one thing with this story, it is that. He sees us.
Meet the Author, Janine Rosche

Prone to wander, Janine Rosche finds as much comfort on the open road as she does at home. This longing to chase adventure, behold splendor, and experience redemption is woven into her Madison River Romance and Whisper Canyon Romance series. When she isn’t writing or traveling, she teaches family life education courses to college students, takes too many pictures of her sleeping dogs, and embarrasses her four children and husband with boy band serenades.
More About Aspen Crossroads

P.S. I was provided a complimentary copy of this book. That allowed me to be able to ask the author questions. I did review the book. All opinions are still my own.
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