Call to Embrace by Maryann Landers: A Celebrate Lit Tour

Celebrate Lit Call to Embrace by Maryann Landers tour

About the Book

Book: Call to Embrace

Author: Maryann Landers

Genre: Christian Women’s Fiction

Release Date: November 1, 2023

She’s detached in a stormy marriage because of both of their unfaithfulness. Now she faces the aftermath of her compromise with an unwanted pregnancy. Will fleeing bring her the freedom she yearns for?

Emily Corentin wants to escape the jagged edges of her brokenness. She believes the only option she has is to take her young daughter, leave her husband, and end the unintended pregnancy with an abortion. But her plans take an unexpected turn when the homeless shelter she finds is not the type of help she wanted. She’d buried religion years ago with the death of her Gran. Any God-fearing place will only confirm how much God abandoned her.

An offer from a shelter volunteer may be the lifeline she and her daughter need, but Emily only sees it as a means to an end. The unlikely friendship that follows, draws her closer to the answers she may have carried with her all along. But rash decisions bring new challenges that drag her further into a sea of helplessness.

When all hope is lost in despair will she be washed away by the patterns of her past? Or will she answer the call to embrace the mercy of the cross and in turn bring reconciliation to her marriage?

About the Author

Alaskan based author Maryann Landers writes women’s faith filled fiction based on true stories of extraordinary women of her magnificent state. She loves to showcase the unique north and give her readers a little taste of rustic Alaska.

While writing in her log home in the woods she is also looking forward to her next adventure with her Alaskan husband, juggling mom tasks such as crafting homemade meals from moose and caribou meat, building DIY projects from scrap wood piles and guiding her teens in their homeschooling.

Her first novel in the Alaskan Women of Caliber Series; Alaskan Calibration released June 2021.

More from Maryann

Call to Embrace is inspired by a true story of a young mom that I met over 13 years ago as I walked alongside her during a difficult time of her life. A year and a half ago I stood in the Pacific Ocean dip netting for salmon near the mouth of the Kenai River. As the waters tugged at my waders, I remembered the church set on the hill behind me where a cross is always lit as a beacon and I thought there is a story here. With anticipation, I prayed what God wanted me to share. What unfolded is the plot line of my friendship with that young mom set in the stunning geographical area of South-Central Alaska.

My Review

“I walked past the gate of the military base, leaving behind my resolve as fighter jets blasted overhead, taunting me as they took flight. The faint fluttering inside my belly reminded me of why I put one foot in front of the other on this dank April morning. I will escape the hold on my life. I will find a way out.”

Emily decided to run away. It did not matter that she was a grown woman and that she had her younger daughter in tow. Anything was better than her current life with Eric, the one who broke promises.

Ann knew that Emily had a story. She was willing to help whether or not she really knew what was happening. Emily may think that all she could do was make a drastic choice. But Ann knew better. Her biggest hope was that Emily would come to find out that her ultimate rescue was finding out the Savior, Jesus Christ, was able to help her find a new start.

This powerful book is about a couple that is desperately in need of restoration. Both Emily and Eric have made choices against each other. Their daughter, Destiny, could be the casualty. But because Emily chose the right person to trust, there is hope for them after all.

What I appreciated about the storyline is the fact that the author does not provide simple solutions. The problems were complex, and the answers took time. Christ is a necessary part of the answers, but this book is full of counsel, not preaching. Marriages can be hard. Answers are not easy, but couples can find a way to learn to trust each other even if they have stepped out on each other.

I did read an advanced copy of this book. I wanted to read and review it. All opinions are my own.

Blogs Stops

The Sacred Line Lit, March 11

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 12

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, March 13 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, March 13

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 14

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 15

Artistic Nobody, March 16 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, March 17

Splashes of Joy, March 18 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 19

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, March 20

A Reader’s Brain, March 21 (Author Interview)

Inspired by Fiction, March 21

Cover Lover Book Review, March 22

Pause for Tales, March 23

Vicky Sluiter, March 24 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Maryann is giving away the grand prize package of a Alaskan themed gift pack including: one signed copy of the book, a half pint sized jar of canned salmon (caught and canned by the author from the mouth of the Kenai river where the book is set), a cross necklace and a promo code for a free audiobook version of the novel!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


3 thought on “Call to Embrace by Maryann Landers: A Celebrate Lit Tour”

  1. Maryann Landers

    Thankyou your insight into the story! I love how you drew out the main themes and applied them for readers! This was a challenging story to write and I know it may be hard for some to read but prayerfully it will also be an encouraging read for everyone. Please don’t hesitate to also reach out to me through my website with any questions or extra resources.

    1. Gretchen Post author

      Books that provide the hope found in Jesus are encouraging to read. Thank you for being willing to write about tougher topics. May God use your book to restore marriages!


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