About the Book
For as long as she can remember, Rose Galway has been a captive, controlled by one man or another. To her, though, God is the one holding the keys, refusing to set her free despite the desperate pleas she has sent heavenward.
Detective Laken Jones has known hardship too, including the daily trauma of racism. Still, nothing he has gone through compares to what Rose has endured. He wants nothing more than for her to experience hope and healing and maybe even happiness in her life.
But first he has to find her.
Laken is willing to risk everything to set Rose free. And to help her find her way to God. Even if that means letting go of her—and the future he envisions for the two of them—forever.
About the Author

Sara Davison is the author of four romantic suspense series—The Seven Trilogy, The Night Guardians, The Rose Tattoo Trilogy, and two sparrows for a penny, as well as the standalone, The Watcher. A finalist for more than a dozen national writing awards, she is a Word, Cascade, and two-time Carol Award winner. She currently resides in Ontario with her husband, Michael, and their three mostly grown kids. Like every good Canadian, she loves coffee, hockey, poutine, and apologizing for no particular reason. Get to know Sara better at www.saradavison.org and @sarajdavison.
More from Sara
Neil Gaiman once said, “Fiction gives us empathy. It puts us inside the minds of other people, gives us the gift of seeing the world through their eyes…” To me, that is one of the primary reasons to read and to write fiction. Every time I write a scene with a character, it’s my job as the author to put myself inside that character, to think what they are thinking and feel what they are feeling, and to draw readers inside that character too.
When what that character is experiencing is deeply painful or traumatic, that job can be extremely difficult. In my series, two sparrows for a penny, the main characters of the first two books, Every Star in the Sky and Every Flower of the Field, have has been caught up in sex trafficking for several years. What they experienced wasn’t easy to write about, especially since, although Tala’s and Rose’s stories are fictional, I am painfully aware that so many women have been or are currently in the same horrific situation.
It may be difficult to read about too, although the stories also contain humor and love and family and, ultimately, hope. Still, it is so important that stories like these are told. If Neil Gaiman is right, reading about what others are going through increases our empathy, our compassion, for their plight. And empathy and compassion are catalysts for action. If we turn away from suffering, pretend it doesn’t exist, we do nothing to help alleviate it. But if we face it, acknowledge it, we might find in ourselves the courage to take a stand against it, to do what we can to help, to let these women know that they are not alone. That they are precious to God and they are precious to us.
The title of this series is two sparrows for a penny, which comes from Matthew 10:29: “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.” Every human being caught up in the unspeakably heinous world of trafficking is loved by God. He sees them and knows what they are going through and, one day, he will mete out perfect justice to all who perpetuate this evil. My hope and prayer for these stories is that readers will be compelled to pray for the women and some men who are victims of this practice and maybe even become involved, through a reputable agency, in working to help free those in captivity.
And I also hope and pray readers will be reminded that, whatever they are going through in life, they are never alone either. As God knows the name of every star and takes care even of the flowers of the field, He knows every one of our names and watches over us as well. Tala and Rose finally come to realize that, even in the midst of horrific circumstances, they were never alone. God saw them, remembered them, brought them out of captivity, and will continue to walk alongside them as they begin their long journeys of healing and hope.
And He promises over and over in His Word that He will do the same for every one of us.
Review of "Every Flower of the Field"
“Tag and their dad must have somehow managed to instill in Rose a belief that men could be good, that they could treat women with love and respect, cherish them the way they deserved to be cherished. A belief that, even if it had been buried deep under the unspeakable traumas she had endured under Brady and Van, had somehow, like a bulb pushed beneath inches of soil, survived the cold and dark. Now, like the wildflowers she loved so much, it was rising, breaking through rough ground to reach for the warmth and sunlight.”
Can someone ever really recover from trauma? Especially years of abuse and torture. In this “Two Sparrows for a Penny” series, Sara Davison tackles the tough topic of trafficking with caution and hope. She does not gloss the pain that the women would go through in these circumstances. Instead she presents a story that could be lived out for those who need to move past the horror.
This is the story of Rose. Telling too much about the circumstances behind why she has been stuck in this trafficking cycle will give too much of the story away. She is portrayed as a woman who was victimized who can now find her way forward through the support of faith, family and friends. Enough is mentioned about her circumstances that the reader will feel the horror without knowing the details. Sympathy results as this causes a better understanding of what life would be like for those who are held against their will in sacrificing themselves for others.
Because of the topic, there could be triggers for those who have found themselves forcibly hurt by the actions of others against themselves. The story ends with hope but without all of the details wrapped up. Healing takes time. There is plenty of suspense in this title as there is danger involved. Rather than feeling discouraged, I felt inspired at the end of this title as I was reminded that we can make a difference in the lives of others.
This book is the sequel to “Every Star in the Sky.” Characters are connected to both books, so I recommend reading that one first, but one could still follow along with this plot. Actually the author connected this book to characters in her “Night Guardians” series which added another fun part to the story for me since I am a fan of this author’s books.
In the author’s note at the end, the author explains more about how she feels God is still with those even in tragic circumstances. A call to action is also provided. While we may not have the ability or resources to rescue others, we can pray. We can also be more aware and speak up to the proper people if we expect others are trapped in circumstances beyond their control. Organizations are recommended where the readers can get involved.
I read this book through Kindle Unlimited. But a copy was available to me through a part of this book tour. I wanted to read and review this book. All opinions are my own.
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Thank you so much for this beautiful review, Gretchen, and for highlighting Every Flower of the Field on your blog. And thank you to everyone for stopping by on the tour! Blessings, Sara
I have read many of your books and enjoyed them all, Sara! Thanks for writing books that are filled with both reality and hope.