Love Overboard by Shannon Sue Dunlap: A Celebrate Lit Tour

Love Overboard Celebrate Lit Tour

About the Book

Book: Love Overboard: A Novel

Author: Shannon Sue Dunlap

Genre: Christian Romcom

Release date: May 21, 2024

When four quirky friends retire on a never-ending round of cruises, their attire consists of more than floral shirts and gaudy skirts. Armed with walkie-talkies and battle plans, these relationship experts—who’ve dubbed themselves the “Shippers”—target hostess Lacey Anderson and director Jonathan King in their romantic schemes. However, the young couple is determined not to play along, having previously sailed the tumultuous seas of love only to witness their relationship crash and burn.

Boss matchmaker Emily Windsor has orchestrated multiple romantic successes, and these two upstarts certainly won’t get the best of her. The chemistry between Lacey and Jonathan is obvious, but the couple rebuffs every outlandish plot and “coincidental” meeting, forcing the Shippers to chart a new course to true love—all while inadvertently thwarting drug smugglers threatening to ruin their floating home.

Can they untangle the mess of romance and intrigue before it’s too late, or will their journey end in heartbreak and disaster? Shannon Sue Dunlap’s enthralling new series unfolds a tale where love, laughter, and danger converge in an entertaining maritime adventure.

About the Author

Love Overboard Celebrate Lit Tour

Shannon Sue Dunlap lives in hot and humid Houston, Texas where she writes love stories with a laugh-out-loud center. She enjoys traveling around the world, singing tunes from classic musicals, and drinking Dr. Pepper. Shannon is a die-hard fan of happy endings and believes God has designed one for each of us.

More from Shannon

My attention zeroed in on the tv screen where a darling elderly woman happily danced with a man in a captain’s uniform. The feature report told how she’d forsaken the nursing home and chosen to live her retirement on a cruise ship instead. Afterward, the wheels in my brain started to churn. What if there wasn’t just one woman, but a whole group? And what if they amused themselves by matchmaking the young people around them? Thus, the idea for Love Overboard started to form.

I related to my wandering heroines. Traveling is “in my blood.” I was three months old when my parents hit the road. (Or so they tell me. I really don’t remember.) It was the 70s and Dad was a traveling preacher called an evangelist. He and mom started out with their newborn baby in a Toronado Oldsmobile. And even after we made a permanent home in Virginia, they kept traveling.

No wonder my feet itch.

In those many journeys, of course there were books. Daydreams of detectives and western heroes and ladies in fancy dresses kept me company in the backseat. I’d finish the stack of novels I brought with me, and my parents would stop at whatever town we were near and look up a Christian bookstore to restock my supply.

Now, it tickles my fancy to think my stories might be keeping someone else company in their plane seat or deck chair. As I write, of course, I keep traveling. I’ve taught school in Botswana, driven on the left side of a rain-slicked Scottish road, twirled in front of Mr. Darcy’s Pemberly (the Colin Firth version), visited Prince Edward Island for the 100th anniversary of Anne of Green Gables, and been serenaded by an opera singer on a European river cruise. (I don’t mean in the audience. He took me from my seat, wrapped his arms around me, and let the crescendos fly.) Learning about the history of places and trying crazy new dishes makes life more interesting. The most unique thing I remember eating is Mopani worm in Zambia. (It tasted like crunchy dirt.)

As Love Overboard releases, I’d like to give a big shoutout to that daring little old lady that lent me inspiration. Perhaps I’ll follow her example when I reach my 80s. No matter how long is ordained for my time on this planet, I hope books and traveling will always play a part in my story.

My Review of Love Overboard

“Correct me if I’m wrong. Didn’t you give me carte blanch to keep meddling in your life?”
“It’s too late.” Lacey gestured to the speck in the distance that was Cozumel. “He got off the ship. What can I do? Jump overboard and do the butterfly stroke to shore?”
“Have you ever heard of a phone call?”

The “Shippers” are ready to make love happen. Just because they might all be past the romance stage does not mean that they can’t help others find happily ever after. If they are going to spend most of the time on cruise ships, they may as well make love happen.

Their target is hostess Lacey Anderson. They have tried matching her before, but perhaps the new director Jonathan King will be the one. And so begins the story of finding love, running from love, hiding from love and recognizing that love is a worthwhile pursuit.

This romantic comedy is full of laughs, surprises and travel adventures. A bit of mystery and suspense is thrown in for good measure. Lacey has to learn to let go of past hurts in order to trust God with her future. Watching Jonathan and Lacey interact was cute.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. My only frustration was Lacey’s relationship with her father. Her approach was very passive-aggressive. He had some growing to do, and Lacey could have gently and respectfully corrected him. Her relationship with her father had a chance a becoming better if communication was involved.

I was provided with an advanced copy of this book. A friend recommended that I read it, and I wanted to review it. All opinions are my own. 4.5 stars

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Shannon Sue is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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