Grateful: Lines on Various Printed Pages of Books

Those of you who know me well know that I am a reader.  Any day without a book would be a sad day for me.  I read a wide variety of books, and I am a fast reader, so I get through books fairly quickly.  I realized today that I am in the middle of several books at once.  And I also realized that perhaps while this is a normal phenomenon for me, that is not the way the other people read.

I actually read a lot on my treadmill – one way to relax and exercise at the same time.  (Yes, I also tend to be a multi-tasker).  My treadmill needs a new motor :-(, so right now I get to use my elliptical.  Which mostly works.  My treadmill sits right next the window with a huge shelf for keeping all of my books at hand.  I have to be more creative on the other side of the room.


Having a room full of uninstalled cabinets is probably also not normal.  (Guess I am unique in lots of areas). They mostly work as shelves.  Although books fall down at times.  I can climb off the machine to get new books, but then that interrupts the flow of  my workout.  Here are the books that I am currently enjoying (with all cover photographs coming from Amazon!)

Every day …

I have almost read through this particularly Bible twice now.  I really like the version and the fact that I read through the Psalms twice. The best part is the fact that every section is dated, so I can keep track easier.  I LOVE reading through the Bible annually – such an important tradition in my life now!

Currently I am also reading this excellent devotional by Cheri Fuller.  Each devotional is also dated and goes along with the reading I have just completed.  This book could stand alone – sometimes I read my kids the daily inspirational thoughts!

Next year, I might switch back to my other daily Bible.

My copy happens to be pink.  This is a chronological Bible and definitely helped me to understand how the Bible fits together.  I might start switching back and forth between the 2 perspectives.  (Yes, I am spoiled.  But with the Bibles being paperback, they are quite affordable!)

Then to the other books that change …

My dear friend, Amy, surprised me with this book.  Ann’s thoughts inspire me toward gratitude, but I usually only read one section a day.  That is enough to ponder for me.

Next I read a chapter from my current classic.  Right now I am reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin.  The copy that I have from the library does not  even have a copyright – love the weight of history in my hands.  (More on how I am finally reading the classics tomorrow)!

Usually I have a few minutes left of my 30 minutes to read a bit from my current “light” read.  (Told you I am a fast reader!)  I tend to be partial toward romantic suspense.  My current selection is a book I just received for my birthday – by one of my favorite authors!

So far I am enjoying it.  If I had time to read several chapters at a time, I would not be able to put the novel down and would soon complete the book. So maybe it is good that my reading comes in snatches!  More on Dee Henderson in another post someday!

One more title, add the biography that I am also reading …

Be Myself: The Autobiography of a Bridge Builder by Warren Wiersbe.  Since he is a family friend, I am enjoying the details of his life.  I can hear him telling the stories, so the words jump off of the page.

As long as I am into a book (or two or three or six), I am a happier girl.  Definitely thankful for books!  They have enriched my life!


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