Behold the Lamb of God

“Behold the Lamb of God” by Andrew Peterson: An Album about the Messiah

One of my favorite experiences of Christmases past has been attending the Andrew Peterson “Behold the Lamb of God” tour.  Every time, his special guests play their own Christmas music for the first half of the show.  Then for the second half, they all perform his musical together.  If you have never had this experience, the musical portion is available on livestream through his website until the end of January.

By listening to the album/musical “Behold the Lamb of God, you are in for an education.  His songs take you from the Old Testament to the New.  The story of Jesus winds through all of the songs.  “Behold the Lamb of God” is extremely powerful.  Referencing Jesus’ baptism, somehow the words still fit in well with His birth.

The thesaurus definition of behold is “to gaze upon.”  That implies more than a glance.  A focused study is implied.  I hope and pray that we do not miss the point of Advent or not notice his arrival.  May we be those who fall on our knees and worship.

“Behold the Lamb of God” by Andrew Peterson and friends is more than an album filled with cheery Christmas songs. This masterpiece tells the story of Christ from the beginnings of the Bible. Truly a must-listen for me every Christmas time. This year I wanted to highlight this album and will be sharing posts about the songs.

P.S. If you purchase this highly recommended album from my link below, you are indirectly supporting my writing life without any cost to you. Thank you!

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