Lines of Desperation: “Lord, I Need You”

Evidently this month has passed by in a blur because I did not realize that I have not been here for several weeks.  This has been a challenging month for my family.  Faced with a daunting decision, we are choosing to walk by faith in a new direction that involves a job change and probable move.  Risking is never easy.

Plus waking up in the middle night has seemed to be a trend for at least one child several nights each week during the month of February.  This makes for one tired mommy who does not get around to writing then.  (Good thing I have made coffee my friend, or I really would have been lost.)

In each one of our child’s rooms, Christian radio is playing constantly.  During several of my nighttime visits to comfort children with various maladies, I have heard one particular song.  This tune reflects where I am at right now in life.

Based on an old hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour” which has always been one of my favorites, this adapted edition has also become a song that is near and dear to my heart.  Plus the words describe my current desperate state.  I joke about surviving with coffee. But the truth is that while I might make it without caffeine, I would not survive life without my Savior.

“I need you! Oh, I need you! Every hour I need you.”  Even in the middle of the night, He is a breath away.  That is just the reassurance that I need during this time of transition.

6 thought on “Lines of Desperation: “Lord, I Need You””

  1. Tami

    This is a precious song to me as well. Transition is never easy and comes in many forms. For me it’s the exodus of my children. I’m sorry you’re facing this change. I’m hanging on to 1 Peter 5:10, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”

  2. Michelle

    change is never easy – especially if it means moving (and I HATE moving!!). Thinking of you & your family!

    Hugs to you all – wish we lived closer ’cause I sense we could really use a cuppa (tea for me, coffee for you) to catch up.

    1. neodyssey

      One of these days maybe we will come your way! I would also love time to chat more with you via warm drinks or like our long walk. I appreciate the long distance hug as well!


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