Category: Lines on a Staff: Musicians, Albums and Songs

Getting Away: That Line on the Hall Walls Near My Dorm Room

For my junior year of college, I was privileged to be a resident assistant for the 3rd floor of the all-girls dorm.  This meant many things including the fact that I got to “name” our floor for the year.  This is what I came up with. Gretchen’s Getaway.  (Yes, I still have my sweatshirt from […]

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That Line from “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”

Oh, the Places You’ll Go is definitely my favorite Dr. Seuss book.  In fact, I have read the title enough that I think I have many of the lines memorized. But only one is resonating in my head today … Waiting for the phone to ring. That is the place where I am at today.  […]

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Overcoming Line

Romans 8:37 “In all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” I was not quite into my American Idol years when her powerful voice hit the stage.  (My husband & I managed to follow the show for a few years and liked watching the contestants – not often the “famous” singers performing […]

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Long Line of Leavers

I decided that for my first “Lines on a Staff” favorite albums/songs post to use the one title that actually contains the word “line” was fitting!  I randomly stumbled on this Caedmon’s Call cd on sale one time.  The rest of the album is good, but I often do not manage to make it past […]

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Lines on a page and lines on a staff

I think I have always been a lover of books.  When I worked at a restaurant in high school, I would laugh when I saw younger girls reading their chapter books at the table – that was definitely me.  Still is, although I try not to read when my family is around.  At least not […]

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