Reading Lines of Bible Verses on an App

Bible ReadingIf you have happened to follow this blog, you know that January 1st signifies one post that I write annually.  Reading through the Bible in a year.  This is truly one of the most life changing decisions that you could ever make.  God’s Word transforms like nothing else.  Having just finished reading through the Bible for my 7th time in a row, I can tell you that I cannot imagine not completing that task that has become as natural for me as breathing.

I will admit that I am a bit old fashioned – actual written text from an actual Bible is what works for me.  This year I will be reading through the chronological dated Daily Bible again.  Last year, I completed the One Year Bible along with the One Year Book of Praying through the Bible by Cheri Fuller, one of my favorite authors.

For many people now, their phones or tablets have become their Bibles.  That is definitely the case for my oldest boys.  They have both chosen to download Bible reading plans.  Neither of them finished the program last year, but I am hopeful that they are able to keep up this year.  I definitely want them to develop the habit of being immersed in Scripture.

Possibly downloading an online plan would work better for you as well.  Because I cannot exactly easily provide links to apps, I will provide you links to websites instead.  Simply search your phone or tablet store using the terms below to find an actual app.  These are some of our favorites.

Bible Gateway (I use this site all of the time to find Bible verses.  Not only can you read the Bible online, but they will also e-mail you plans)

You Version This is the app that my husband and boys use on their devices.  The plan possibilities are numerous.  Pick what works for you.  Find a friend to help you be accountable as long as that person will encourage rather than gloat if he/she keeps up better than you do. 🙂

Go Tandem This app will send you a personalized verse every day according to areas that you may need encouragement.  (You fill out a survey that assists with that process).  This is organization is associated with Back to the Bible, who will also help you with your spiritual growth by sending out a daily devotional.

How about you?  How do you choose to engage in reading the Bible daily?




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