Out of the Blue by Susan L. Tuttle

Review Out of the Blue by Susan L Tuttle

I have read every book that Susan L. Tuttle has ever written. At least the published ones. So far, the list is not very long, but thankfully she continues to add new titles every year. This one is the first book in what I hope will turn into a longer series. Here is my review of this highly recommended title.

“It wasn’t the time or place for her heart to stage a comeback.”
“I pretty much slept through anything math related. I mean, I was great at math until they decided to bring the alphabet in.”
“Whatever pain had touched her, it hovered over the surface like a fog she couldn’t see clearly through. Life had a way of doing that. Giving a person such huge hurts or insurmountable obstacles that they coated their view of every future experience.”

For me, a sign of a good book is how many pages that I bookmark. And this one had SO many. Funny quips and insightful quotes that help me to smile and sometimes to cry as I continue to learn to relate to the world around me. I could share so, so many quotes, but perhaps instead you should read this book for yourself. From my first Susan Tuttle book, I have been a fan of hers, and this book continues that for me as I truly loved this title. If you enjoy contemporary Christian fiction full of life with a bit of romance and even a bit of suspense thrown in for good measure, you will also love this book.

This book is about second chances. Does everyone deserve a second chance? How long should we hold on to hurt? Can God heal our pain even if we aren’t so sure that we want to let it go?

Set in Michigan, the author introduces readers to her state. Local places are included as well as local flavors. Now I need to find a can of Rock’N’Rye soda pop as I am definitely curious.

For all who have enjoyed the experience of summer camp, this book will bring back many memories. But what is even better about this camp is the fact that it provides opportunities to kids who come from troubled situations and need a safe summer place. Despite the needs that are being met, Gwen, the granddaughter of the owner does NOT want the kids at her camp. And she has a good reason why. But her grandfather knows that she needs them there, and she needs to move on.

Nate hopes that by helping kids, he will make up for his own troubles. His intentions are good, but he forgets that only God can truly redeem and restore. Not does this book cover how Gwen’s heart is healed, but it also talks about Nate’s growth as well.

There is a great cast of characters. Some will be a part only of this book. But I definitely hope that some of Gwen’s other friends’ stories will be told as well. I definitely hope this turns into a series.

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