Category: Thoughtful Lines: Pondering and Reflecting

Unspoken: Following the Line of Domestic Violence (Even in Christian Families)

I admit this is an abrupt departure from my recent posts.  But this is definitely an issue that God has brought to the forefront of my mind.  I pray as I post this column that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart will be pleasing in His sight! I almost did  […]

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The Good-bye Line to Age Four

Yesterday was my last day teaching the preschool class at our homeschool co-operative.  Possibly ever teaching preschool in a more formal setting as next year my youngest will be in kindergarten.  For ironically, yesterday was also my youngest child’s last day of being four.  Today he is the big five years old. He had me […]

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Blessings Abound through numbers 30-39 on my personal timeline

I am less than two hours away from entering my next decade.  Since I can remember when my parents turned 40, this birthday does seem like a bit of milestone for me.  My thirties were good to me!  Not that there have not been challenges, but overall I have been so blessed by God! I […]

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A Line of Strollers

When you have four kids age six and under, you need a way to transport them.  For a time, we had a double stroller, single Graco one that matched our car seat and an umbrella stroller minus the covering that these little strollers came with a few years after we had our first born. This […]

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Line of Luck

Today is Friday.  And the 13th day of the month.  Yes, Friday the 13th.  How fitting that today is also my 13th post on this blog.  Lucky?  Unlucky?  Should I find a rabbit’s foot or maybe be wearing my shamrock socks (Yes, I do have some thanks to my brother being married on that day! […]

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That fluctuating line on the scale

One of the items that I inherited from my grandmother was her scale.  The “old-fashioned” kind where a black line waves at you as opposed to digital numbers staring back at you.  The kind where if you stood on one foot, the numbers changed.  And if you jumped up and down, the numbers went all […]

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