I can count on one hand that times that I met him in person. Yet Cody impacted my life in a profound way. Not for as much as what he said but how he lived. Fully sold out to Christ. And because of that fact, I could not help but almost sob at his funeral yesterday. […]
Continue readingAuthor: Gretchen
The Written Lines of Author Lynette Eason – Christian Suspense
Infinite suspense. This tagline found on Lynette Eason’s website (see link at the bottom of this post) is the perfect description of her books. Eason is the one who wrote the third book in the Sins of the Past – her novella is entitled Blackout and deals with some wrong high school choices that come back to haunt […]
Continue readingThe Written Lines of Dani Pettrey
This week I am introducing you to the second author with a novella in the book, Sins of the Past, and her name is Dani Pettrey. Because Dani happens to have homeschooled her children (at least for a season), I feel a natural affinity for her writing. That and the fact that she does write […]
Continue readingThe Written Lines of Dee Henderson
Trying to determine where to start in this series on great Christian fiction was a bit of a challenge. I actually have a fairly long list of authors that I greatly enjoy reading. Recently I finished the book, Sins of the Past, featuring novellas of three of my favorite authors, Dee Henderson, Dani Pettrey and […]
Continue readingSummer Lines on a Page: 2016 Edition
This summer, I wanted to write a series of posts on some of the fabulous Christian authors whose books you should know about. If you are around me long enough, you probably already know that reading is one of my very favorite things to do. I am not sure that my husband fully grasped this when he […]
Continue readingTaking a Risk (the Ballot Line-up)
Risk:to venture upon; take or run the chance of: Learning to play the guitar was one of my goals in my early 20’s. Perhaps it was possibly because I was slightly enamored with the cute single instructor. But I borrowed my grandparents old guitar – the one that must have been purchased at a discount chain because […]
Continue readingWritten Lines of Rights: Equal vs. Protected
For the past 240 years, we in the United States of America have celebrated rights. In fact in one of our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, you can find these very famous words. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain […]
Continue readingLines of Wilderness Wanderers
I never used to get how the Israelites felt after they left Egypt. Why they complained and grumbled. Why they wanted to go back. Hello? Come on, people! God just walked you through the SEA. On dry ground. Plus He continued to show Himself in miraculous ways. Having honey wafers just show up on the ground or […]
Continue readingMy Line for 2016: “Toward” (My Word of the Year)
Full disclosure: this post does contain an affiliate link and information on how you can get your own very cool personalized necklace from Krafty Kash, a wonderful artisan from right here in Lincoln! Initially my word for 2016 was going to be forward. Lately I have been feeling stuck in some bad habits, and I […]
Continue readingUnwritten Lines: What I wanted to say in January 2015
I am thinking that I possibly got your attention with my label for this post. Yes, I am aware that today is in fact January 5th, 2016. But I am still learning lessons from 2015. I am allowed to reflect, right? 🙂 2015 was an interesting year for me. While I knew going in that […]
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