If you have happened to follow this blog, you know that January 1st signifies one post that I write annually. Reading through the Bible in a year. This is truly one of the most life changing decisions that you could ever make. God’s Word transforms like nothing else. Having just finished reading through the Bible […]
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Christmas Lyric Lines Volume 3: Song Seven for my Savior: “Christmas Changes Everything”
So much emphasis is placed on this one day of the year that sometimes that can be a lot of pressure. Especially for moms. Did we pick out the right gifts? Did we buy enough? Are the decorations spectacular enough? Did we remember to bake the right cookies or make elaborate enough meals? How easy losing […]
Continue readingChristmas Lyric Lines Volume 3: Song Six for my Savior: “Come On Ring Those Bells”
Pretty certain that the prayers of many kids were answered today. After the mildest December that I can remember, today the world outside my window is blanketed in white. Since we do not have very far to go today, I do not mind at all. After all, I did go to Minnesota for college – […]
Continue readingChristmas Lyric Lines Volume 3: Song 5 for my Savior- “Adorar Al Nino”
Studying how different countries celebrate Christmas has been an interesting part of our homeschool experience this December. In particular, I appreciate the observation of “la posada” where “Mary & Joseph” journey from house to house to find room in the inn. Eventually they are welcomed in to celebrate baby Jesus. This reminds me of another […]
Continue readingChristmas Lyric Lines Vol. 3: Song Four for my Savior: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” by Bryan Duncan
Last week, I talked about the fact that one of my favorite parts of the Christmas story is the fact that Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. Not too surprisingly, one of my favorite Christmas hymns is “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” Since the song is in a minor key (at least I think it is – help […]
Continue readingChristmas Lyric Lines Volume 3: Song Three for my Savior: “Noel”
“Noel.” This French word is a bit complex because not only can it mean “good news,” it can also mean birth. The perfect word to talk about the first coming of Jesus. God used both the stars and the angels to proclaim the message. How like God to use part of His creation to announce […]
Continue readingChristmas Lyric Lines Volume 3: Song Two for My Savior: “Mary’s Boy Child”
Bet you won’t be surprised to hear that I grew up listening to Christmas records. Yes, the ones on the turntable. The two I remember most were the “Hawaiians” and my personal favorite, Evie. (I am giving you a big hint as I will be featuring her signature song a little later in this “Lyric Lines” series.) Most […]
Continue readingChristmas Lyric Lines Volume 3: Song One for a Savior: “I Need a Silent Night” by Amy Grant
Christmas parties. Decorating. Programs. Basketball games. Cookies. Cards. The older my kids get, the more frantic that this December season seems to get. Remembering what is important in the midst of all of the chaos can be challenge. After a short night of sleep and a long, busy day. I can relate to Amy Grant […]
Continue readingImmanuel (with a nod to my niece’s favorite line “Here”)
During the years that I was having kids, my brother & sister were both single. Secretly I wished that my kids had cousins their own age to play with. Yet as always God’s timing is perfect. I now have a wonderful sister-in-law & brother-in-law plus the cutest and two of the most adorable nephews ever. The fact that I […]
Continue readingLine of Wisdom from an Unexpected Source
Have you ever heard the quote below? Do you know who said it? “A warrior putting on his sword for battle should not boast like a warrior who has already won.” Any guesses? Scroll down …. Did you guess Solomon? David? How about King Ahab? That is right – […]
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